Genre Analysis

Genre Analysis- Drama/Thriller







Research into drama film genre:

What makes a drama film?

The purpose of a dramatic story line is to move the audience emotionally. Drama films mostly depend mostly on the development of realistic characters dealing with emotional issues or problems.

In most cases the film concentrates on normal characters that are dealing with a conflict or dilemma. Dramas often give actors a chance to stretch in the role that other genres wouldn’t allow them to. This is because drama films focus on building up characters that the audience can engage with.

Conventions of Drama films:

  • Portrays a characters journey and developments
  • Intense social interaction
  • Dramatic sounds and exaggerated performance

History of the drama genre 20TH century – Modern Day:

20TH century to modern day the drama genre has expanded dramatically with an increase in demand of drama films.

Common characters in the drama genre:

The Protagonist: He/she is generally the main character to the film. The audience feels sympathy towards this character that always triumphs over the villain. The protagonist is mostly played by a male character but over the years female characters have been included. The protagonist brings a certain pressure when entering and leaving the scene and always attempts to solve the problems that occur.

The Antagonist: He/she goes to extreme length to get exactly what the character wants could include breaking the law, hurting someone or potentially killing someone. There’s always a feud between the protagonist and the antagonist.

The Helper: this character displays the characteristics of loyalty and trust. The helper always manages to be there for the protagonist and usually aids them in the film.

After researching in to the drama genre, I know that my film will most likely be a tragedy drama with elements of thrills and suspense. It will focus on the relationship between the three main characters. The three main characters will be likable, charismatic but flawed in some way – but vulnerable in some way.


Research in to the Thriller film genre:



Thriller Film is a genre that revolves around anticipation and suspense. The aim for Thrillers is to keep the audience alert and on the edge of their seats. The protagonist in these films is set against a problem – an escape, a mission, or a mystery. No matter what sub-genre a Thriller film falls into, it will emphasize the danger that the protagonist faces. The tension with the main problem is built on throughout the film and leads to a highly stressful climax.


Sub-Genres of Thriller

Action Thriller: uses physical action to create suspense within the film. Like a traditional Action film, this sub-genre will often have continuous motion and action including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. Often, these scenes will contribute to the overall sense of danger that the protagonist is facing.


Examples: Die Hard, Kill Bill Vol. 1, The Bourne Identity.

Crime Thriller: film is a sub-genre that incorporates the suspenseful aspects of a thriller with a crime film plot. This sub-genre’s plot usually centers on a serial killer, murderer, robbery, or manhunt. As opposed to traditional crime films, the story line focuses both around the criminal and the protagonist. Crime Thrillers use both action and psychological aspects to build tension and suspense.


Examples: The Usual Suspects, the Fugitive, Jagged Edge.

Psychological Thriller


In addition to the traits of a regular Thriller, a Psychological Thriller incorporates elements of drama and mystery film. The suspense in this sub-genre comes from the mind, rather than from a psychical threat. The protagonists in Psychological Thrillers must rely on their mental resources to solve the situation. Because of their nature, many Psychological Thrillers cross over into the Horror genre.

Examples: Memento, Rear Window, Taxi Driver.

The thriller genre I’m using for my film is psychological thriller.

Action and psychological aspects both are used to add to the suspense.

With a psychological thriller the conflict (battle!) is through the mind, skills, and wit of main characters, reversing the more normal thriller “plot over character” expectations i.e. A psychological thriller reader needs to understand the character, character can (sometimes) be slightly more important than plot (although I prefer both in equal measures).

My characters shouldn’t win using physical talents or efforts, but rather using their mind, wits or smarts.

Elements of drama, mystery and horror can often find themselves in the psychological thriller due to the emphasis on motivation and the mind.



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