
Editing Note

For my final piece I used the software, Adobe Premier Pro CS 6.


For soundtracks, I used a website called, YouTube and for downloading sound effects.


For Critical Reflection, I used Prezi for Question 2. I also used ‘Canva‘ for Question  1.

For Question 3 and 4, I used Soundcloud for my radio interview.




Spy Story as Agent Khan picks up passports, fake IDs, documents etc.

ISI Officer’s voice drowns out as scene goes black with Agent Khan’s face showing a shocked expression

Spy Story continues as scene ends with a black screen


Camera Shots

  1. Establishing Shot of building
  2. Medium shot as Agent climbs the stairs
  3. Long shot as Agent comes in view
  4. OTS shot as Agent rings the bell and knocks the door
  5. Wide shot as Agents steps inside the unlit apartment
  6. Medium close up shot as Agent steps closer to examine the table
  7. Close up shot as Agents picks up the passports and documents
  8. Extreme close up shot of Agent’s eyes as she stares at her pictures
  9. Medium Shot as Agent’s head hits the table then falls backward
  10. Close up shot of torch spinning
  11. Wide shot as Agent sees people standing around her
  12. POV shot as Agent looks at the ISI officers
  13. OTS shot of ISI officer speaking to Agent
  14. Close up shot of Agent Khan’s shocked and scared face as scene begins to fade